Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car accident victims are entitled to receive compensation for their medical bills and lost wages no matter who is at fault for the accident. “No Fault” laws as they have come to be called are designed to compensate those people injured in an automobile accident for their medical bills and lost wages without having to prove fault against the other driver. In exchange for this automatic right of compensation, people who are injured in an automobile accident must establish they have sustained a “serious injury” to be compensated for pain, suffering and other economic losses. Gassler & O’Rourke have been successfully handling automobile accident cases for over twenty years. We have the knowledge, experience and expertise required to successfully recover compensation for those unfortunate victims of automobile accidents.
Car accidents are tragic and unexpected. One minute you are in a car minding your own business and the next minute you are on a stretcher being taken to a hospital. Nobody can predict when an accident will happen, but in this day and age, it is extremely important to know what to do if, and when, you are involved in one. The following steps should be taken if you are the victim of a motor vehicle accident:
- Call the police.
- Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses to the accident.
- Take photographs of the accident scene and vehicles involved in the accident.
- If injured, tell the police and have an ambulance come to the scene.
- Follow the instructions of the ambulance personnel and if deemed necessary, go the hospital.
- At the hospital, make sure you advise the doctor or medical staff of all your injuries/complaints of pain.
- If the pain continues follow up with a physician immediately.
- Contact Gassler & O’Rourke to discuss the accident and your potential property damage claim and/or bodily injury claim.
- Do not discuss the accident or your injuries with the adverse insurance company until you have spoken to your attorney.